Brec Bassinger
The show follows high school sophomore Courtney Whitmore and her stepfather Pat Dugan as she leads an unlikely group of young heroes to take on the legacy of DC's very first superhero team, the Justice Society of America. In the thrilling second season, Courtney and her friends take on one of the most frightening adversaries in DC's mythology the dark entity of corruption known as Eclipso.
"The young Justice Society of America may have triumphed over the ISA, but Courtney Whitmore, aka Stargirl, is having a hard time balancing her studies with the life of a Super Hero. After failing tow classes, the high school sophomore must attend summer school. Meanwhile, other members of the JSA are facing their own struggles: Yolanda, aka Wildcat, is still haunted by Brainwave's death; Rick, aka Hourman, is secretly tracking Solomon Grundy; and...
"47 Meters Down: Uncaged follows the diving adventure of four teenage girls exploring a submerged Mayan city. Once inside, their rush of excitement turns into a jolt of terror as they discover the sunken ruins are a hunting ground for deadly great white sharks. With their air suply steadily dwindling, the friends must navigate the underwater labyrinth of claustrophobic caves and eerie tunnels in search of a way out of their watery hell." --container...
"47 Meters Down: Uncaged follows the diving adventure of four teenage girls exploring a submerged Mayan city. Once inside, their rush of excitement turns into a jolt of terror as they discover the sunken ruins are a hunting ground for deadly great white sharks. With their air suply steadily dwindling, the friends must navigate the underwater labyrinth of claustrophobic caves and eerie tunnels in search of a way out of their watery hell." --container...