Jill Campbell-Mason
"The Elephant in the Room takes you on a journey from a new perspective--the back of an elephant. Catch a glimpse of yourself mirrored in the native wisdom of a shaman in a remote Medicine Village. See yourself alongside Masir, the son, who blindly obeys the father— Crown Prince Sudman, despot ruler of a kingdom brought to the brink of collapse. Witness an abused lower caste, personified by the wealthy Wayan Tiger leading a struggle for recognition....
"Mario, an underfed, underprivileged, underdog shoeshine boy from the foot of Machu Picchu thinks he has no future, until he meets one American family that changes everything. Despite the degrading poverty in which he's mired, Mario matters. The space he occupies, his values, his innate genius and foibles--they matter. His story mirrors that of Sonrisa, who lives in an upper middle-class American suburb. His perspective on life, death, loss, and grief...