Christian Coulson
Tells the story of two brothers, Jake and Peter, whose relationship strains when one of them receives news of a strange inheritance. Deepening the divide between the two, they both grow attracted to a mysterious young woman named Lucia who arrives on their island. Based on Guy de Maupassant's 19th century seaside novel, "Pierre et Jean" is widely credited for changing the course of narrative fiction through its complex and intense psychological characterizations...
Chronicles of Castellane volume 1
"In the vibrant city-state of Castellane, the richest of nobles and the most debauched of criminals have one thing in common: the constant search for wealth, power, and the next hedonistic thrill. Kel is an orphan, stolen from the life he knew to become the Sword Catcher—the body double of a royal heir, Prince Conor Aurelian. He has been raised alongside the prince, trained in every aspect of combat and statecraft. He and Conor are as close as...
Montague siblings volume 1
Vowing to make his yearlong escapade across Europe his last hurrah before taking over the family estate, Henry "Monty" Montague and his best friend Percy find themselves in the middle of a dangerous manhunt involving pirates and highwaymen.
Montague siblings volume 3
"Adrian Montague has a bright future. The sole heir to his father’s estate, he is an up and coming political writer and engaged to an activist who challenges and inspires him. But most young Lords aren’t battling the debilitating anxiety Adrian secretly lives with, or the growing fear that it might consume him and all he hopes to accomplish. In the wake of his mother’s unexpected death, Adrian is also concerned people will find out that he has...
"Brian’s wife, Lily, disappeared from his life without a trace six years, eleven months, one week, and two days ago, but Brian never lost hope. Since her disappearance their once beloved English pub—and Brian’s livelihood—has been crumbling piece by piece. As the anniversary of her absence approaches, Brian desperately needs a sign. One doom-scroll on his business’s reviews later, he finds it: an active TripAdvisor account for PinkMoonLily1972...
7) Dark rise
Dark rise (Pacat) volume 1
"Sixteen-year-old dock boy Will is on the run, pursued by the men who killed his mother. Then an old servant tells him of his destiny to fight beside the Stewards, who have sworn to protect humanity if the Dark King ever returns. Will is thrust into a world of magic, where he starts training for a vital role in the oncoming battle against the Dark"--Provided by publisher.
8) Dark heir
Dark rise (Pacat) volume 2
"A new threat from the past is rising, and only a handful of heroes remain to fight. Pursued by dark forces, Will and his allies must leave the safety of the Hall and travel to the heart of the ancient world, making new and dangerous alliances and revealing the shocking secrets of the past. But Will is carrying a dark secret of his own—his true identity. Drawn to the beautiful and deadly James St. Clair, Will is pulled ever deeper into the web...
Appears on list
"1954: The Winter Soldier is the Soviet Union’s greatest weapon. Assigned the most dangerous covert missions from the USSR’s secret military branch, and guided by a handler who knows him better than he knows himself, he has only one purpose: to obey orders. But he wasn’t always the Winter Soldier . . . 1941: As World War II begins, sixteen-yearold Bucky Barnes is determined to enlist in the US army―if only the local commander will stop getting...
11) Fireborne
Aurelian cycle volume 1
"Two dragonriders must go head-to-head for the top position in the Callipolan fleet, and protect the new regime from those who lost power"--Provided by publisher.
"In 1927, orphaned eight-year-old Alec Oswin sails from India to an unkown future in England. Meanwhile, in the English fenlands, June Attwell memorizes maps, patterns, and railway timetables, hoping for a future beyond her father's vicarage. Alec and June become friends, and, in time, marry. When the Second World War breaks out, Alec joins the RAF, while the Foreign Office sends June to its covert Y-service outposts on the edge of the war-torn Empire....
13) Into?: A Novel
In Into? North Morgan shines a coolly mesmerizing light on the modern generation of gay men that are living firmly outside the closet, elevated by popular culture, but plagued by a new set of problems, insecurities and self-destructions. As the men of Into? Swipe right from bed to bed, North Morgan spins a darkly hilarious and shockingly perceptive story of excess and love that's like nothing you've ever read.
You know Konrad from your various social...
Private Detective Agency novels volume 13
God save the Queen-but only Jack Morgan and Private can save the Royal Family.
Private is the most elite detective agency in the world. But when kidnappers threaten to execute a Royal Family member in front of the Queen, Jack Morgan and his team have just 24 hours to stop them. Or heads will roll . . . literally.
BookShotsLightning-fast stories by James Patterson
Novels you can devour in a few hours Impossible to ...
Private is the most elite detective agency in the world. But when kidnappers threaten to execute a Royal Family member in front of the Queen, Jack Morgan and his team have just 24 hours to stop them. Or heads will roll . . . literally.
BookShotsLightning-fast stories by James Patterson
15) In memoriam
"It’s 1914, and World War I is ceaselessly churning through thousands of young men on both sides of the fight. The violence of the front feels far away to Henry Gaunt, Sidney Ellwood and the rest of their classmates, safely ensconced in their idyllic boarding school in the English countryside. News of the heroic deaths of their friends only makes the war more exciting. Gaunt, half German, is busy fighting his own private battle–an all-consuming...
16) Lancelot
Nothing, it seems, can harm the valiant Lancelot. The most brilliant warrior to join the Knights of the Round Table, he vanquishes beasts and villains at every turn. But Lancelot's own pride and conflicts of loyalty threaten to destroy the hero, whose passion and instincts are the source of his greatest strength and gravest danger.
17) Excalibur
When the young Arthur pulled the sword from the stone and became High King of all Britain, he didn't realize that an even greater task lay ahead: that of uniting his country behind him. Narration by Christian Coulson (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets).
In this, the second volume of his Tales of King Arthur series, Hudson Talbott masterfully retells the saga of Arthur's early days as leader of Britain, his building of Camelot, and the dedication of the Round Table--a unique brotherhood of knights devoted to unity and peace.
"The queer teen historical you didn't know was missing from your life." — Teen Vogue, on The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue
In this funny and frothy novella that picks up where the New York Times bestselling The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue leaves off, freshly minted couple Monty and Percy fumble through their first time together.
Monty's epic grand tour may be over,