Ryan Fleck
Set in the 1990's, the film revolves around Carol Danvers, a crack air force pilot. Though trials and tribulations she becomes one of the galaxy's mightiest heroes and joins an elite outer space military team known as Starforce. Her membership in the Kree military team puts her in danger when Earth becomes hopelessly stuck in battle between two other alien worlds, forcing Danvers to take on the role of Captain Marvel and use her new powers for the...
3) Half nelson
Young Caucasian Dan Dunne teaches history and coaches the girls basketball team at a Brooklyn high school populated primarily by black and Hispanic students. To the chagrin of his superiors, Dan bucks the outlined curriculum of historical facts in favor of the philosophy of historical events, generally discussing the concept of dialectics. As such, he captures the imagination of his students, at least in the classroom. Outside of the classroom, Dan's...
It's kind of a funny story: Sometimes what's in your head isn't as crazy as you think ... that's certainly true for Craig, a stressed-out teenager who checks himself into a mental health clinic for some time out. What he finds instead is an unlikely mentor, a potential new romance and an opportunity to begin anew. Charming, witty and smart, it's a coming-of-age story that's kind of a funny story.
Trainspotting: A young heroin addict in Edinburgh...