Claire Heywood
"As princesses of Sparta, Helen and Klytemnestra have known nothing but luxury and plenty. With their high birth and unrivaled beauty, they are the envy of all of Greece. But such privilege comes at a cost. While still only girls, the sisters are separated and married to foreign kings of their father’s choosing—the powerful Agamemnon, and his brother Menelaos. Yet even as Queens, each is only expected to do two things: birth an heir and embody...
"Danae: Banished from her homeland thanks to a prophecy foretelling that her unborn child will one day cause the death of her father, the king of Argos, Danae finds herself stranded, pregnant, and alone in a remote fishing village. It’s a harsh new world for a young woman who grew up as a coddled princess, and forging a new life for herself and for her young son Perseus will be the hardest thing she’s ever done. Medusa: As a member of a reclusive...
Wer waren die Frauen, die hinter dem Trojanischen Krieg standen?
Die Schwestern Helena und Klytämnestra brechen in Claire Heywoods Neuerzählung des Trojanischen Kriegs Wir Töchter von Sparta endlich ihr Schweigen.
Helena und Klytämnestra sind durch ihre Schönheit und ihren Stand nichts als Überfluss gewohnt, ganz Griechenland liegt ihnen zu Füßen: Sie sind die Prinzessinnen von Sparta. Doch dieses Privileg hat seinen Preis. Noch als Mädchen...