T. R. Knight
The show offers an extraordinary look into the life of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein. Beyond his groundbreaking theories of relativity, witness Einstein's struggles to be a good husband and father, and a man of principle during a time of global unrest. A ten-episode journey of discovery guided by Einstein's wit, wisdom and insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Genius: Picasso is the second season of National Geographic's first fully scripted drama series. Diving into the life and loves of the brilliant Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (Antonio Banderas), this season showcases Picasso's significant and wide-ranging contribution to modern art. Exploring the Spanish expatriate's devotion to his craft, the series also reveals Picasso's relationships with other well-known personalities of the time, including Coco...
"[Follow] Cassie Bowden, a globe-trotting flight attendant with a devil-may-care attitude and history of binge drinking, whose glamorous world is thrown into a tailspin when she wake up next to a dead man - with no idea what happened. Cassie scrambles to put together the pieces of a night in Bangkok gone wrong, leading her down a twisted path filled with unsettling discoveries and more than a few illegal escapades.
This film portrays "former FBI director James Comey and President Donald J. Trump in this two-part event series that tells the story of two powerful men, whose strikingly different personalities, ethics and loyalties put them on a collision course. Part 1 follows the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails and their impact on the election. Part 2 is an account of the first months of the Trump presidency--where allies became enemies, enemies...