Kyle Martin
Director Matt Wolf's critically acclaimed documentary examines the life and work of Arthur Russell, an influential singer, songwriter, cello player, and disco auteur who died tragically in 1992. The film blends archival footage with illuminating interview segments featuring some of Russell's colleagues and most notable collaborators, including poet Allen Ginsberg, composer Philip Glass, and indie pop sensation Jens Lekman.
2) Teenage
Teenagers didn't always exist. They had to be invented. As the cultural landscape around the world was thrown into turmoil during the industrial revolution, and with a chasm erupting between adults and youth, the concept of a new generation took shape. Whether in America, England, or Germany, whether party-crazed Flappers or hip Swing Kids, zealous Nazi Youth or frenzied Sub-Debs, it didn't matter; this was a new idea of youth. They were all 'Teenagers.'...