Brian F. O'Byrne
Interpol Agent Louis Salinger and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman are determined to bring to justice one of the world's most powerful banks. The two uncover illegal activities including money laundering, arms trading, and the destabilization of governments, Salinger and Whitman's investigation takes them around the world. Finding themselves in a high-stakes chase across the globe, their relentless tenacity puts their own lives...
"After leaving graduate school to pursue her dream of becoming a writer, Joanna gets hired as an assistant to Margaret, the stoic and old-fashioned literary agent of J. D. Salinger. Fluctuating between poverty and glamour, she spends her days in a plush, wood-paneled office – where Dictaphones and typewriters still reign and agents doze off after three-martini lunches--and her nights in a Brooklyn apartment with her socialist boyfriend. Joanna's...
4) Bug
Agnes has finally escaped her abusive ex-husband Goss, who has recently been released from state prison. Agnes is a lonely waitress with a tragic past who moves into a sleazy, run-down Oklahoma motel room with her lesbian co-worker R.C. She, in turn, introduces Agnes to Gulf War veteran, Peter, a peculiar, paranoiac drifter and they begin a tentative romance. However, things don't always seem as they appear, and Agnes is about to experience a claustrophobic...
This five-part drama is an intimate portrait of a uniquely independent woman who finds herself newly divorced during the Depression years, as she struggles to carve out a new life for herself and her family. The story explores Mildred's unreasonable devotion to her insatiable daughter Veda, as well as the complex relationship she shares with the indolent men in her life, including her polo-playing lover Monty Beragon and ex-husband Bert Pierce. Includes...