Keith Redmon
"In this tense thriller, a woman with a secret past returns to the wilds of her youth to face the most dangerous man whe's ever met: her father. Helena's seemingly ordinary life hides a dangerous truth: her estranged father is the infamous Marsh King, the man who kept her and her mother captive in the wilderness for years. When he escapes from prison, Helena is forced to confront her past, and--knowing that he will hunt for her--find the strength...
"Newly promoted to Chief of Station, Valerie Edwards send Daniel Miller and Robert Kirsch on a diplomatic mission to Estonia, where they uncover signs of an impending Russian invasion, threatening to destabilize the NATO Alliance. Daniel stays behind to search for the truth, but goes MIA during his mission. The rest of the team, joined by Special Activities Case Officer Rafael Torres, must work to unravel the conspiracy and bring Daniel home."--container....