Dawn DeVries Sokol
By nature, art journaling is a private activity. But when Dawn Sokol's first book, 1000 Artist Journal Pages, broke the fourth wall and shared the work of artists all over the United States, it created a ripple of inspiration throughout the art journaling community. In this much-anticipated follow-up, Sokol features more than 1,000 new, captivating pages, this time -- by popular demand -- from artists across the globe. Lists of techniques and materials...
Over 1,000 journal pages presented in one beautiful full-color book Journals offer their makers a safe place to dream, doodle, rant, and reinvent themselves. They offer viewers rich, visual inspiration. There is a fascination with these revealing and often beautiful pages of self-exploration and personal expression. Journals offer a tantalizing, voyeuristic view of an interior life. This would be the first book to offer examples of over 1000 journal...
"This picture book for young readers is a tour of the human body revealing the wonders of how it all works — with some astonishing numbers and fascinating facts along the way. From our eyes to our toes, kids will find out what makes the human body tick in this engaging STEM nonfiction book. They’ll discover that our hearts beat 100,000 times a day, which equals 36 MILLION times a year. And that our tongue’s 8,000 taste buds can detect only...